Dustbowl is not so dusty as you’d think.

Excuse me for yet another month of pure emptiness. I just had a lot of stuff going on, mostly on the negative aspect, but whatever. Here: I’m not dead. Now that I got rid of that, here’s a few things I was waiting to say about one project.

Team Fortress 2 RPG Story Mode

Screw the RPG, the story that was written for it is PERFECT for a TF2 Story Mode (cinematics and such). Stuff will be animated in Blender if possible, then rendered in GMod. If I have too, I’ll go the extra step of taking out my Creative Suite 3 disc and installing the After Effects. Yes, this is really the “MaxofS2D”‘style of animation, but it’s a pretty badass one, you have to agree.

I’m also trying to make this the most professional possible. The lines of work might require me to hire some voices actors. For characters like the nine classes, a similar voice would be awesome. The original voice works would be for NPCs (such as the announcer or the Scout’s Mama).

Another thing is that I’m going to try to make a common soldier model. This Soldier is like the common worker of BLU Team, because having two teams of clones in a Story just dosn’t do it.